Off-Road Outreach offers suicide prevention services for veterans that includes QPR training, mental health first aid training, suicide prevention symposiums, and peer support services in the field.
Off-Road Outreach delivers mobile showers to homeless Veterans at different spots across Fayetteville, NC, using the back of their Jeep. They venture into homeless camps, reaching out to Veterans where they are, making it more convenient for them to access essential services.
Off-Road Outreach provides bagged lunches, snacks, bottles of water, hygiene kits, rain gear, and other supplies that our homeless Veterans need to stay as safe and healthy as possible. Through these weekly efforts, we aim to assure our Veterans that they are remembered and cared for, ensuring they have access to essential provisions to maintain their health and dignity.
We assist homeless Veterans in preparing housing applications, obtaining IDs/ copies of DD214 and other documentation, applying for employment and VA health benefits, and pairing them with other Veterans organizations to assist their individual needs. We also partner with health care providers and other local service agencies to have their staff “ride along” with us and provide services to Veterans where they are.
In addition to mobile showers, we offer a small sanitary laundry service right from the back of our Jeep! We supply all homeless Veterans with a new outfit and give them the opportunity to wash the one they are wearing. This ensures they have a clean pair of clothes in case of emergency during the time between Outreach services.